Falls Church VA Yard Flooding

The hard clay soil and improper drainage can cause Falls Church, VA properties to experience yard flooding. Whether it is mild or severe, over time it can cause considerable damage to the property. Plants and grass will have trouble growing in areas that see constant flooding. It can also cause soil erosion and basement flooding. Falls Church, VA property owners can prevent yard flooding with a simple call to the professionals at Premier Paving & Planting. For thirty years, this landscaping and hardscape company has been meeting the needs of their residential and commercial clients. They know how important drainage is in preventing flooding and erosion, which is why they have put together this list of their clients’ most frequently asked questions.

1. Does experience matter when choosing a landscaping company?
Since 1987, the experts of Premier Paving & Planting have been creating innovation solutions for their clients with flooding problems on their properties. Their knowledgeable staff is familiar with the conditions unique to the area, and this makes them well qualified to find a solution that is right for them and benefits the property.

2. What are some effective solutions property owners in Falls Church, VA can use to prevent yard flooding?
Premier Paving & Planting are experts in finding effective and affordable solutions for preventing flooding on their clients’ properties. They will check to see if the soil only needs to be treated to improve absorbency, or if a more invasive solution is required. A French drain around a building can prevent basement flooding and erosion, while a dry stream bed will provide a place for excess water to go. They can also design and install a catch basin. The trained technician will carefully evaluate the property before making any recommendations.

3. Why is it important for Falls Church, VA property owners to stop yard flooding?
When flooding occurs on a property water can pool turning these areas into a muddy, unusable mess. Not only is this visually unappealing, it can also create a safety hazard. Standing water can breed biting insects, and the excess water runoff often results in damaging erosion. Soil can be washed away around plantings, and from under foundations. This can make the building structurally unsound, resulting in costly repairs.

4. Should the landscaping company be certified and insured?
The landscaping company should be certified and insured, and this won’t be a problem with the team at Premier Paving & Planting. The licensed and insured professionals will be on hand every step of the way to ensure that every aspect of the project goes smoothly. Their commitment to their customers’ satisfaction has earned them an A+ rating on Angie’s List, and helped them become one of the premier landscape and hardscape companies in Northern Virginia.